Upgrading GrowCut 2.0 to 3.0: instruction
(If you did not purchase GrowCut 2.0 before, use the
purchasing instruction.)
- Download GrowCut 3.0 and install it, if you haven't done this yet:
GrowCut3.0_Setup.exe (5 MB)
Please make sure that it works for you before purchasing!
Make sure your GrowCut 2.0 key (.reg file) is installed into the system (GrowCut 2.0 itself is not required).
Start your graphics editor and invoke GrowCut 3.0. Click Register...:
Click Upgrade...:
You will be shown your GrowCut 2.0 key. Copy it:
Click the following link (opens in new window) and fill all the details to make the payment:
Upgrade GrowCut via share-it »
One of the fields is GrowCut 2.0 key. Paste there your GrowCut 2.0 key copied at the previous step.

Upgrade price: $40 + Tax/VAT in certain countries
Shortly you will receive an e-mail with your registration key.
Return to the registration screen.
Copy your registration key and paste it to the corresponding field and click Register:
Click OK and restart GrowCut (no need to restart the graphics editor).

If registration was successful, you won't see the unregistered version window.
Contact us if you have any problems purchasing GrowCut.